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Osho – Tantra Vision Vol. 1

The Tantra Vision Vol.1
[10 mp3s]



As always, Osho speaks the truth in every discourse. These series is concerned with tantra atittude towards life, sexual relationships and love. Once you start understanding him, it will help you to make a quantum leap from everything else concerned only with the mind.————————————… But as far as his being a Master isconcerned, Buddha is incomparable –because, through him, thousands of peoplehave attained to Enlightenment.It has never happened with any other Master.His line has been the most fruitful line. Hisfamily has been the most creative family up tonow. He is like a big tree with so manybranches — and EACH branch has beenfruitful; each branch is loaded with many fruits.Mahavir remained a local phenomenon.Krishna fell into the hands of scholars andwas lost. Christ was completely destroyed bythe priests.Much could have happened, but it didn’thappen. Buddha has been tremendouslyfortunate in this. Not that the priests have nottried, not that the scholars have not tried theyhave done all that they can do but somehowBuddha’s teaching was devised in such a waythat it could not be destroyed. It is still alive.Even after twenty-five centuries, a few flowerscome on his tree, it still blooms. Spring comes,and still it releases fragrance, it still bears fruit.Saraha is also a fruit of the same tree. Sarahawas born about two centuries after Buddha.He was in the direct line of a different branch.One branch moves from Mahakashyap toBodhidharma and Zen is born — and it is stillfull of flowers, that branch. Another branchmoves from Buddha to his son, Rahul Bhadra,and from Rahul Bhadra to Sri Kirti, and fromSri Kirti to Saraha, and from Saraha toNargarjuna — that is the Tantra branch…                                             – Osho                     The Tantra Vision, Vol. 1, ch. 1


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