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Healer David – Instant Healing Meditation

[11 PDF, 7 MP3s]



In 1961, an Enlightened Monk in a Cave Showed a Wise Man from the West a Remarkable Healing Secret… In 1980, He Showed It to Me… Today I’m Giving It to You…     “Did You Know Healing Takes Just 30 Minutes? Can You Handle the POWER  of This Amazing New Healing Secret?”Dear Friend and Fellow Healing Personality, A global revolution in healing has arrived. It’s here in your town and it’s knocking on your door. A spiritual “speed healing” secret, kept under wraps for thousands of years, was just recently made public. This ingenious do-it-yourself technique is so simple and easy that a child can do it. The secret code for healing the body and psyche with just pure concentrated power of the mind has been cracked. Now you can heal just about any physical, emotional or mental problem in 30 minutes using just your mind. The SECRET is out! This never before revealed self-healing secret uses the infinite power of the mind in a brand new way. This is the same power that invented the automobile, put us in outer space and built the Internet. Now this new secret breakthrough exposes how to apply the same massive power of mind to “inner space.” This revolutionary method turns the power of the mind inward in exactly the right way to achieve fast almost instant healing. It channels the awesome power of the human mind to create near miracles of self-healing in literally a matter of minutes. It uses “directed mental force” to improve or fix just about any physical, mental or emotional problem… in 30 minutes or less! I did not invent this technique — it really was given to the world by an Unknown Enlightened Monk — but I am the one who designed the first systematic training in this amazing method. One important thing: you have NEVER heard of this technique. Only about 2,000 people in THE ENTIRE WORLD know about it right now! This is true. This knowledge is beyond top secret! There really is nothing else like it. The Miracle Self-Healing Power of “Instant Healing Meditation” Works Fast… in Just 30 Minutes! I call this method of do-it-yourself healing “Instant Healing Meditation” because it works incredibly fast. I would say “in minutes” is pretty instant. Is getting mind-blowing life-changing results “in 30 minutes” instant enough? Lend me your ears and your mind for just a few short minutes. You have nothing to lose but your pain and suffering! So let me ask you… Are you ready for a Healing Revolution? Are You Ready For a Radical Self-Healing Revolution? So what does this healing discovery mean for you? It means that more than ever before, you can now be your own doctor. You can be the master of your health, the source of your happiness, the captain of your destiny. You will be in charge of your life, health, emotions and mind like never before. You will be able to heal yourself in minutes. You will be able to help others do it, too. With the power of “Instant Healing Meditation” in your hands, you can cut almost any challenge that life gives you down to size. The giant boulder that was blocking your path is downsized to a gentle speed bump. Or it goes away completely. It vanishes, never to be seen again. Whatever it was, it is gone. Your life rolls nobly and smoothly forward. YOU are the KING! I’ve been helping myself and others with the little-known method for more than 30 years. Even so, every time I use it, I am utterly amazed by its power, simplicity and ease of use! I learned the technique from the late Robert Hover. Robert was a NASA aerospace engineer – a hard-headed tough-minded down to earth scientist –  who went to Burma (now Myanmar) in 1961. Over the last 30 plus years, I have worked hard to fine-tune and streamline Robert’s methods. Using my skills as an author, teacher and seminar leader, I created a step-by-step system for learning how to use Robert’s discovery. I kept adding to it and improving it. Now it is a multimedia Home Study Course.


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