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RSD – Top Attitudes To Attract The Women You Want Into Your Life

Real Social Dynamics Top Attitudes To Attract The Women You Want Into Your Life.mp4
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You can watch the video for FREE don’t like being depend on youtube (they might remove it plus waiting for it to reload is annoying) and i prefer to have this on my computer so i can watch it whenever i want. it’s 720P HD quality so enjoyHappy Monday, I’m back in Los Angeles after a big East Coast trip to Chicago, NY, DC, and back to Chicago again. Just spent the day on the beach in Malibu with my sons and GF, and I’m typing this up Sunday night at home to go post it at the internet café when I wake up.The New York Free Tour video I was telling you about last week is now up. I’m very happy with it, and it’s my favorite Free Tour clip so far. Then again I think every Free Tour clip I do is better than the last.I do each of these events with “no parachute” meaning that I go in with very little prepared and hit it up off the cuff. I try to do new concepts, jokes, stories, and communication styles at every event in order to challenge myself to expand on my repertoire. Whatever has been on my mind at the time is what I talk about.This is tricky because I walk a fine line between giving a great experience for guys who have been following RSD for a long time and making it relatable to newbies who aren’t in the loop.The challenge is to create a seminar that “laces in” the basics of pickup while going into more advanced topics. I create it in my head as I’m speaking in real time and then hope to tie together something coherent as I’m doing it. Every talk is “experimental” and I try to do something totally new.At the New York Free Tour I went into the most “advanced” ideas I’ve ever shared on pickup, but I’ve cut them out in this clip because I want to further refine them. Yes I realize you’re probably thinking “I want it NOW…” but this material was very hardcore and needs to be better explained and backed up with concrete examples to do it justice.(You can’t just run around saying the crazy shit I say at that event without properly explaining it — you’ll see it within the next year or so. I’ve also thought to make a documentary film on the topic as one of my current instructor assistants is a professional film maker—he’s also helping me to record infield footage which is pretty sick.)Regardless the NY event was SO AWESOME in my humble opinion.  I’ve put together a half hour clip of solid content here which I know you’ll love. It’s based on fundamentals about the game that I offered to help out the newbies in attendance.This includes the attitudes, mindsets, and views that I have towards picking up girls and sex which allow me to be successful. Anyway it’s kind of late as I’m typing this, but I thought I’d spend a few minutes ripping off a quick article off the top of my head (please don’t mind if it’s rough around the edges or a bit unprecise).  Usually I like to talk about what’s been on my mind lately, so I thought I’d talk about my love for the game, teaching pickup, and why I do what I do.There’s a really cool book written by Russell Simmons called “Do You!” (he has another good one called “Super Rich” as well) where he made some great points about what’s meaningful in life, and what’s ultimately fleeting bullshit.He tells a story in the book about a rapper who I presume is Ja Rule after having his career destroyed by 50 Cent, and how at first he made a lot of money, but later realized that what he really loved was creating music.Russell has been around the block a few times, so I take his opinion at face value. He talks about how a new rapper will usually follow a pattern where he’ll get an album out and buy some jewelry and a new car. Then he drives it around the block a few times, the novelty wears off and he realizes that it’s just transportation.  The jewelry is also cool at first but then they realize it’s just decorative shiny metal.In the example of Ja Rule he talks about how he realized that what he really loved to do was rap. The bullshit surrounding it was more for ego purposes, but that wasn’t what he originally got into it for. Then by the time he realized that what he really loved was music, he didn’t really have an audience for his material anymore.I’ve personally had some experience with this, where the first few years after the book “The Game” came out I was being stopped on the street around ten or twenty times, or in some cases even a few hundred times in a day.This was probably also because I had the long blonde hair at the time so I was more recognizable. The times when it happened a lot was usually in cities like NY or LA or London where there were big pickup groups roaming around and they knew I was in town.These days I’m only approached a few times a week, despite that RSD is now more successful as a business than we were after the book came out. But yeah it took me a while to wrap my head around it.  It’s funny because at this point I’m cool with it. I like it because I view it like I have friends all over the world, and also because people often sign up for a bootcamp after meeting me.At the time though it used to fuck up my brain because I’d have experiences where I’d meet somebody and then later read online “Yeah I met that Tyler guy, he’s an ASSHOLE!” Or even “I didn’t see him pick up any GIRLS!!”  It fucked me up because I’d felt like I’d made a personal connection with the person, just there having a conversation, and then to find out there were these gears running in their heads the entire time.Other times I remember how I’d teach a guy and we’d become friends, and then later he’d take a program with another pickup teacher and then say that I was a piece of shit and taught him the wrong stuff.  That was crazy to me because it was like, “Well man I just taught you the best stuff I know. If you don’t like it anymore that’s cool but it doesn’t say anything about me as a person. Did we only stay friends after the program so you could get more pickup tips?”I also remember how I’d think I was friends with various people in the pickup community, and later if they didn’t make the money they wanted with RSD (either with teaching or if I declined to offer to create articles for their blogs or do interviews) they’d get all bitter about it.Some of these guys were good buddies in my mind, but I was too young to realize that business and friendship aren’t totally the same thing. If somebody isn’t making the money with you but they hung out with you, why not just use the past association to get attention to whatever new project, right? The crazier the shit they fabricate the more attention they get, and if you say anything about it they get more attention so it’s a win no matter what.The irony was that at a young age one of the core drivers of being a pickup teacher was the “petty desire” to make people like me.  I wanted acceptance and to have more friends — but the result was this weird provisional acceptance and not knowing who my friends were.All that shit used to make me walk around paranoid, and instilled a mindset where I had to constantly be offering value to people and that I wasn’t worth being friends with if I wasn’t “doing something” for somebody.Anyway it was in my mid twenties that I was fucked up over all that. I was really too young for it and didn’t have any mentors to explain what was going on. The book “The Game” really spun my head out for a few years as well, and it was just a lot more than I got into pickup for.===I think that if you lack the maturity and mentors, one of the hard parts of becoming a public figure and/or successful entrepreneur is the social isolation that comes from it.   It’s like the “breadth” of friends increases, but the “depth” goes to down significantly.  You’ve got all these people who seem cool with you, but it’s not based on anything. It’s basically surface level and based on value as opposed to real friendship.But you know, what’s really the most fucked up part about it isn’t the petty issue of your social life. It’s seeing the fucked up parts of human nature, and how “good” people will rationalize using each other to try to get ahead.You realize that if they’re doing this, you’re probably no better than them, and that YOU have the same inclinations as a part of your nature as well. You get exposed to the fucked up parts of human nature in ways that most people will never have to get rubbed in their faces, and it makes you feel like your own existence is pretty much pointless.This is especially weird because you realize that you actually worked to expose yourself to this reality. You spent years of your life slaving to get ahead, only to live a life that’s isolated and weird.  If you love attention then it’s probably fine, but if you’re smart enough to realize that the attention is doesn’t have a lot of significance then it just feels like a waste of time.===To be honest I think this is why a lot of successful business people just give up on humanity and figure they’ll focus on making money.  They realize that we’re ALL pieces of shit, most of humanity is fucked up (themselves included), and there’s no point in trying to fix it. One man can only do so much. The flaws of human nature run too deep so it’s best just to accept it.My approach has been different, in that it’s my belief you have to make a “leap of consciousness” to deal with this sort of thing.The big thing for me has been going back to what I love and focusing on it. I got into teaching pickup because I loved going out and I loved teaching. So I do this pretty much constantly.This sounds weird to other teachers I meet, that I go out so much, that I teach nearly every weekend. I do this because it’s an activity that gets me into the moment, gets me present to what’s in front of my face.To deal with the nonsense you basically reach a point where all you can do it become present to it, accept it, understand why people they way they are, yourself included. You have to forgive other people for how fucked up they are before you can forgive yourself.It sounds weird to say “forgive people” for fucked up behavior, but how can you let go of your own bullshit if you can’t get past the bullshit of others? You can’t.All you can do is become present to it. So when I meet people on the street, I stay centered in my own energy, grounded in my own movie of life. Yeah they’re talking and who knows what the fuck is going on in their heads, who cares?   My nature is no different than theirs, so why think about it?People just do the best that they can. They have good intentions, they don’t understand themselves. Even if they do it’s hard to have the willpower to make the right decisions all the time. That’s just the way that it is.===The crazy thing about my life is that I work to build RSD, and yet the happiness I’ll gain has little to do with the actual growth of the business. The main thing I like about it is helping the people who are around me, but I don’t personally need to grow it to have whatever I need.I don’t need to do self help in the future, I don’t need to work more than a few days a month. I think most guys in my position don’t have this realization until it’s too late, and then they get depressed about it. I’ve had enough forethought to understand it going in, so I know what I’m in for.The reason I do what I do is because I think it’s awesome.  Seriously if you aren’t producing work you think is awesome, then why do it?I’ve realized that all I really like to do is teach programs, record new videos, write new shit, conceptualize new ideas, and generally CREATE.  I’m like that dude in the movie “The Hurt Locker” where at the end of the movie he tells his kid that when you’re young you have all these things you like to do, then as you get older there’s only a few, and after a while there’s maybe one or two, and then just one.Then he goes back to the war to diffuse bombs because that’s what he loves to do. He’s realized it and accepted it.  I like other things than teaching obviously, like sex or eating good food or hanging out with buddies. I like travel and exercise going to Laker games, but as far as life goes there really isn’t much to it.This stuff is more to relax me to get me in a better headspace to create better material. Even the reading and meditation is really just in the service of creating better material. Hell even GETTING LAID is to relax me and give me the juice to go out and create more awesome shit.Actually sex is probably the one pure activity other than doing shit for RSD that I really enjoy. I’m lucky to have a girlfriend who has as strong a sex drive as I do and also has the confidence not to be jealous and let me be who I am.===So yeah I’ve realized that what I like to do is be out travelling to new cities, running new programs, creating new shit. I love pushing the envelope and seeing what’s possible. I feel like my peak is still many decades away.I look at Kobe Bryant and feel grateful that I don’t have to peak in a few years like he does. I can’t imagine the pain he’s going to deal with not being able to play at a competitive level anymore. The money he has is irrelevant garbage being some washed up basketball player, even though most people are in a paradigm where they think it would be awesome because they don’t understand it. I really don’t know what the guy is going to go through after all this is done.I have a creative outlet where I’m still so far off my peak potential, I can double in creative output on a yearly basis and it only gets more awesome for year after year. At the same time I treat it like I’m Kobe where I could be dead in a few years and not leave behind the legacy I want to leave. I went through that car accident a few years ago and that changed me where I no longer take time for granted. I know I’m only going to have so much.When my son was born I was tempted to put my aspirations onto him for a while. I felt like I had to live for him and that he had advantages that I would never have.  I thought raising kids and doing all this shit I have planned was just too much.  I felt like I got over the first hurdles and that he could carry the torch, take us over the next ones.  I see the potential in him to do amazing things, just seeing how he’s wired and the way his personality is already at a young age — I see him emulating me constantly and know he could do it.But I realized that there’s nobody who has the advantages that I do. Nobody who can do what I can do, because they haven’t had to push through the disadvantages. I’m the most advantaged person that exists to do what I’m here to do, so if I can’t do it then it’s me who failed and no one else.  There’s nobody else who can offer your gifts for you.  What he’s here to do is what he’s here to do, I’m here to do what I’m here to do, that’s all there is to it.I know what’s possible, I know what my output could look like if I stay focused on it, so that’s my goal, my focus in life. I’m a blessed motherfucker to have an audience who loves what I do, who wants me to put things out, who want to learn from it.So many creative people don’t have this, like I see a guy playing a harp at the farmer’s market today and I think about how he probably loves what he does but yet can’t get paid ten bucks to play there for four hours.  I think sometimes other guys in similar positions to me forget how blessed we are for this shit. Like putting out new ideas and material that people appreciate is a privilege and a blessing, not a job.===I guess I just got sick of being a human after a while, sick of our petty natures and small minded desires. I’m as bad as anyone and I just got bored of it, uninterested.My goal for myself is basically to become less dense, less personalized. I love the feeling of being nobody and that feeling of “offering value” flowing outwardly. Other than that I like the odd diversion but if I go too long without it I just feel bored and angsty.I want to go deeper, to become more present to the moment, less dense than I am, more expansive and translucent (yeah that sounds weird I know). The thoughts that go through my head bore the shit out of me, they’re basically just repetitive and petty. That’s when I’m dense and contracted, not expansive and less.This sounds strange but I feel like I’m at a point where the main progress I think about on a day to day basis is how still I become in meditation, and how present I become while teaching and running programs. I believe that life is a combination of “clarity of intent” and “freedom from outcome”. I feel like the quality of the output is directly correlated to the clarity in the intention of it, and whether or not it comes from a place of having no outcome.It’s like the art of this is to become still and get in touch with the real intent, then allow it to flow outward without the pollution of needing the result. The “effort” you put in is like directing the energy outwardly, that’s the creative aspect.This is the old philosophy that’s talked about in the old Bhagavad Ghita text and there’s obviously a reason why it’s had such longevity and impact on many creative individuals. That feeling of being in the zone creatively is what people live for. It’s a juice that’s more addictive than any drug. When you lose it you feel like you’re dying, feel like there’s no reason to live.Most people can’t relate to this because they’re dead to life and have never experienced passion for something before, so they have no basis for comparison. Go read some tabloids or read some gossip or some shit, get a dirty “alert feeling” that’s comparable for a few minutes and then it’s gone. They never get to feel the clean extended version that comes from doing what you’re meant to do.===Going through the odd dull days gets me thinking about structuring my life so that I can more often be doing what I love.I’m hitting a point where any dull day is just killing me. I feel the potential wasted, I really can’t deal with that anymore.   A day of rest is different from that.  But those grey-zone pointless days I can’t stand.I know that if I load up on clean food and green vegetables, I will have an awesome day. If I sleep deeply in a room that’s ideal for it, I will have an awesome day. If I read amazing shit in my spare time, I’ll have an awesome day. If I’m around top notch people who are hitting up life on the same level as I am, I’ll have an awesome day. If I’m exposing myself to awesome influences over the internet if I’m going to log onto it, I’m going to have a damned awesome day.If I allow myself to eat bullshit, or absorb bullshit, or act in a way that’s bullshit, my life is going to suck. If I fail to take care of myself, to take time off from time to time, I become petty and self centered which makes me unhappy. I know this, so it’s a matter of sticking to it.Scheduling as much teaching time as possible is awesome for me. If I do this I know I’ll be happy, and it’s also good because I only have so much time left with the blessing of teaching pickup full time. I’m appreciating it on a deeper level than I ever have, just soaking up these fleeting experiences while I can.Ultimately I have to go deeper. I have to let go of so much, realize that it’s all pointless, it’s not leading anywhere. I have to accept that I’m bullshit, that other people are bullshit, that we do the best that we can. Let go of attachments to the world looking the way that I wished it would look, dissolve into it and accept that it is what it is, go deeper into it, see where it leads.===For the past months I’ve been having these repetitive dreams where I see myself, and the total bullshit that is my life, in up close view like under a microscope.I see myself going through life animating my personality for no reason at all. It’s leading nowhere, just this output of energy that’s accomplishing nothing other than expression of its own momentum.That momentum is slowing in me. I don’t feel drawn towards it anymore. I don’t give a fuck about the same shit I used to give a fuck about, I don’t have the same desires that used to seem appealing to me.In the dreams I see parts of my personality just peeling off like big chunks, being ripped away and I just sit there and there’s nothing. I see friends getting all wound up over petty shit and it’s ridiculous to me. Why, why why do they give a fuck?? Don’t they see what’s in front of them?Yet paradoxically as the social isolation from other people’s surface level personalities becomes more entrenched, I feel closer to people than I did in the past. I feel as though I can see through them to the core and forgive them for everything they’re not able to be, as I’ve had to forgive myself in the same way.My relationship to life has grown stronger, I don’t rely on others and external happiness for happiness, it REALLY IS all the same as long as I’m clear in my intention, or going deeper in letting go of the outcome of my life.===Our minds are full of such bullshit is saddens me to see our culture so entrenched in it. Yet there also presents an opportunity for change, however remote that possibility may be.It’s cool to sit around imagining this but until you embody the change you wish to see in the world, your opinion doesn’t mean shit.I’ve seen so much petty shit in my life, both in others and especially myself, I sometimes feel induced to vomit. The feeling of being so sickened with yourself that you’re nauseous is a curious one, and yet I can’t hesitate to recommend it whole heartedly because it promotes change. The most beautiful moments I’ve seen in life are those when people have found ways to rise above it. I’ve been so entrenched in mental bullshit at times that I can’t find my way out of it back to presence, almost like wading through a fog. I spent the first two decades of my life like that, in a hell of my own mind, and I’ve returned there repeatedly in adulthood.Sometimes I need help to find my way back. This is what I want to do with my life. I want to be “THERE” and I want to help others to get BACK to “there”. To do this I need to make myself strong, more abundant. To become more expansive, less dense, less personalized, clearer in my intent towards life. Disciplined, focused, take myself less seriously, truly enjoy life.I’m not really sure what the point of it is, but I feel intuitively that there may be one. The insanity of contemplating it can be used as a tool to push you back to “there” so I use it as that. There’s an artform to this, and this is what I want my life to represent.Anyway obviously this is all pretty weird shit, and some people will relate to it and some won’t. That’s all good but I thought it would be interesting to some people to share it. This is really what goes on beneath the surface of what you see in the videos, beneath the endless game and teaching and motivation to succeed.The other main reason I wanted to post this was that I’m hoping you’ve noticed how the segments at the top where I talk about being all butt hurt by petty bullshit seems almost ridiculous when you contrast it with the broader ideas at the bottom of the page.  I’m hoping you noticed how you can ultimately outframe the petty bullshit in your life by evolving to the next paradigm — like getting re-focused on why you’re doing what you’re doing, and putting your attention on doing what you love.  I’m hoping you’ll relate this to your own life.I’m off to bed now and psyched to wake up in the morning to post this. Hope you enjoyed the video as well, let me know your thoughts and have a great day!


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