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Eric Beard – Secrets and Staples of Shoulder Training

[5 DVDs – Rips]


*************************************************************************************UPLOADING OUR EXCLUSIVE CONTENT TO ANY OTHER TRACKER WILL RESULT IN A PERMANENT BAN!*************************************************************************************THIS IS PART 1 OF THE SOULDER TRAINING TORRENTSPART I II III IV Times:Elite/VIP : 6 WeeksExtreme users/Power Users: 8 WeeksOthers: NeverEric Beard – Secrets and Staples of Traiing the Athletic Shoulder“Eric is my source now for shoulder training and impairments. Eric takes a complex topic and makes it easy to understand. I’m able to take the information that Eric presents and use it not only for my clients, but myself as well.”Jay DiPilatoACE-CPTFitness Coordinator Naval Station NorfolkIf you’re looking to optimize shoulder health and function, decrease risk of injury and reduce, eliminate or prevent shoulder pain, than this will be the most important message you’ll ever read.Because I’m about to share with you The 11 Critical Components to Delivering Shoulder Health and Function to your clients, patients and athletes.For the FIRST time, I am revealing the exact step-by-step blueprint I accidentally stumbled upon while trying to get out of chronic pain and take my athletic life back.Everything is laid out…in a step-by-step, connect-the-dots, straight forward fashion that you’ll be able to take action on as soon as you flick on your DVD player.                 What I Learned While Trying to Get Out                    of Pain forOver 7 Years!“I can’t remember the first time I separated one of my shoulders playing hockey or even the first time it hurt while I was lifting weights, but I can remember the 3 years that I couldn’t throw a ball or Frisbee, the 1825 days I woke up in pain every morning and the 7 years my shoulder hurt every time I lifted weights.I was frustrated with the pain in my own shoulders (shoulders plural, that’s right), I was nervous about being able to continue practicing massage therapy, and worried because most of the people that were coming in to see me as a personal trainer had postural issues and their shoulders could not hold up to the workouts that I had designed for them.My body was failing and my business was in jeopardy.I did not get the help that I needed other than an offer for surgery (no thanks!) and I got sick of the constant pain and being crabby from all of the workouts I had to miss. So what did I do? I turned my efforts into learning how to take care of myself and to prevent this from happening to anyone else.I invested over 6270 hours in and $72,000 into learning about the human body and how to get out of pain and keep other people’s shoulders healthy! The 11 Critical Components to Delivering Health and Enhancing Function of The Athletic Shoulder, gives you the overview of what I have learned during this quest. It offers concepts and approaches that you can apply right away to improve the health and function of your and your clients’ shoulders.Here are just a couple of benefits that I have received as receive as the result of applying these 11 concepts to my own training and that of my clients;·         *No more pain! My shoulders feel great! I can even do Kettlebell snatches!!!·         *I can play hockey, Frisbee, softball or skip rocks with my kids without fear of being sore for days!·         *The position of “expert” in regards to corrective exercise and the athletic shoulder has opened numerous doors for me professionally; receiving referrals form physical therapists, chiropractors, athletic trainers, physician’s, coaches and friends and teammates of clients as well as opportunities to speak internationally on those topics!      Don’t Just Take My Word For It. Check Out What Other People Had To Say!”Eric is a dynamic speaker who keeps you interested with his presentation skill and content.  He has an in depth knowledge of functional anatomy, biomechanics, and corrective exercise strategy.  I would recommend him as an extremely useful resource as you work to make a difference in your client’s health and wellness.”Shea Rostan BS, NASM- CES”Thanks Eric! I very much enjoyed your presentation on Shoulder Impairments. It was both very informative and engaging allowing me to expand my knowledge on the subject and get a hands-on experience. It was very helpful to review the anatomy of the shoulder and at the same time to learn where the impairments may occur and especially how to identify those in my clients. I just had a client yesterday with impingement in his right shoulder and I was able to use the tests/assessments I learned from your presentation to help my client to identify the problem and work on it. Your interactive and engaging presentation style made the whole experience fun and memorable. Thanks again for such a great job!” Anna Sanzhar, M.A., ACSMExercise PhysiologistDuke Health and Fitness Center                                    Now Let Me Up Front And Tell You What This DVD series Is NOT:These DVDs will not teach you how to get huge delts, muscular traps and a scrawny, weathered, broken down rotator cuff. I actually fell for almost every one of the old school gym myths for shoulder training and had YEARS of shoulder pain to show for it.Luckily I stumbled upon the simple blueprint that I’m GIVING you on this DVD series!!!“I thought I would never grasp the functional anatomy or be able to create and effective program. THEN…. I attended your workshop. I was completely blown away! The information provided was invaluable. It was like light bulbs going off in my head for the duration of the workshop. I came home and recopied my seventeen pages of notes like you suggested. I want to thank you for helping me achieve my dream of being able to make a difference in people’s lives by really understanding what is going on in their bodies’!”CC NASM-CPT


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