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Steve ‘El Topo’Mayeda- T21C 2010

Steve ‘El Topo’ Mayeda
[1 MP4]



Based out of Austin Texas, Steve Mayeda aka El Topo is a three time speaker of The 21 Convention, one of the six stars of The Community Tapes, one of the most authentic dating and lifestyle coaches on the planet — and is quickly becoming a legend of The 21 Convention.His story?In his own words …“A few years ago I noticed there were a few things missing from my life. It wasn’t that I was unsuccessful, it wasn’t that I was completely unhappy, it wasn’t even that I hadn’t had great experiences in my life.The thing with me, is that I had worked as a photographer, I had played music, I had a rich life, but I still felt like a wimp when I saw a woman I found attractive. I had no idea what to say to them. I felt inadequate and afraid, I felt that although the life I lived was full in many ways, I had nothing that was attractive to show them.So what I did was I went on a journey that brought me here. First I didn’t know where to start and so I did what everybody does these days, I went to the Internet. I bought the books, I got the online audio series, I just didn’t do any of it.I knew if I was going to keep putting money into this, I knew I needed to make the investment to find some people who could teach me the skills I so badly wanted.I went to find some of the best Pick Up Artists out there in the world to learn from, and over time I found them.I started training with gurus in the Pick Up community like Sinn¹ and Captain Jack, I worked with legends like Future and Shaft. It wasn’t long after I started working with this rich crowd that I started taking guys under my wing. I had a background in working with people throughout my past in more of a counseling capacity and I found out how gratifying it could be working with other men and teaching them these skills and taking them on a similar journey.As soon as I started working with people, I realized that with my background and life experience I actually brought something completely different to the table. I was able to take the ideas, theories and structure of game and customize it to someone’s life. Before then game was determined upon actually building up a false façade of value to attract women. I was able to take guys who worked from a wide range of jobs that most people would assume to be unattractive and turn them into empowered men with the women that they wanted in their life.Since then I have made it my journey to improve people’s lives through my teaching.”


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