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Steven Heller & Terry Steele – Monsters & Magical Sticks (2011 Printing)

Steven Heller & Terry Steele – Monsters & Magical Sticks (2011 Printing)
[1 ebook – PDF]



This new exclusive material is part of the Ultimate Training Course in Faster EFT group buy.This group buy is still open & the forum is listed at: & Magical SticksAuthors: Steven Heller & Terry Steele – Monsters & Magical Sticks (2011 Printing)Description: 192 pages scanned, OCRed, & bookmarked to PDF.This is an updated version of this book that was previously posted here at elib.Monsters & Magical Sticks:There’s No Such Thing As Hypnosis?If you want to know how hypnosis really works (and, no, it hasnothing to do with waving of hands or other similar nonsense), youwill want to read this book. If you want to know the “magic” behind Ericksonian techniques and Nuero-Linguistic Programming, you have to read this book. From one of the true masters of hypnotherapy, this book can really change your life!!Robert Smith refers to this book often and is included in this group buy.Foreword, by Drs. Joyce C. Mills & Richard J. Crowley Introduction, by Robert Anton WilsonFore-Warned! Acknowledgements I Into Hypnosis Lightly II meta 4 – Change – Life III Everyday Hypnosis/Learning IV Forget ItV Belief Systems VI Systems Two VII GIGO VII Systems – So What? IX Patterns X Left Meets Right Meets Left XI Reality … Really??? XII Unconscious Versus Conscious XIV Utilizing UtilizationXV Weighing AnchorsXVI Anchor AwayXVII Confessions of an HypnotistXVIII Ramblings Epilogue, by Nicholas Tharcher Steven Heller, Ph.D., founder and director of The Heller Institute,had a clinical hypnosis practice since 1969. He was widely in demand asa lecturer and trainer of the Ericksonian method, as well as his ownmethod, Unconscious Restructuring®. Through his seminar program, Clinical Hypnosis: Innovative Techniques® Dr. Heller was one of the first individuals to present what was to become known as “Ericksonian hypnotherapy.” This program was presented throughout the country for several years. As a result he became known as the “trainer of the trainers,” and was given the name ‘The Wizard.”In addition to his private practice, Dr. Heller trained members of the helping professions, and conducted in-house training programs for hospital staffs, universities, medical, dental and psychological associations. He was a guest on several radio and television programs.Dr. Heller utilized his methods for surgical procedures, in which generalanesthesia could not be used. One dramatic example was the use of Unconscious Restructuring® as the sole anesthesia during a mastectomy.Not only was the patient free from pain during the procedure, she alsorequired no postoperative medication. She was also discharged 36 hourspost surgery.Dr. Heller received his Ph.D. in clinical psychology from California Western University, where his special area of study was, of course, hypnosis. He was born in Los Angeles in 1939 and died in 1997. He is deeply missed.The web site for the publisher is at:http://www.newfalcon.comPlease keep this a elib exclusive, thanks.The group buy is open and at:: Ratio FreeElite/VIP: 3 weeksPower Users (PU): 7 weeksUsers: Upgrade to PU or contribute at:, Mazen


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