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Peter Ragnar – Success Seeker’s Guide to the Opulent Reality

Ragnar’s Opulent Reality
[5 DVDs – AVI, 11 CDs – MP3, 2 Manuals and 3 Sets of Cards – PDF]


Description…100% Exclusive to the Place.  Period.  Do not share anywhere, ever.$1,997.00 Program that I purchased with my own money…….and I know that this program isn’t anywhere on any product tracker. This took me forever to compile.  Share and…well you know what will happen.Well…this guy may seem weird and may seem strange and talk weird at times…but stick with this program.  Because he’s the real deal.  Changed my thinking and prosperity in many ways.  This guy went from a construction worker to millions with what may seem to be nothing.There really are some great insightful ideas on prosperity that I haven’t heard anywhere.  Judge for yourself if it works.  Again he comes of as goofy…but sign up for his news letter and you’ll get:Some of the best content on finances, the economy, health, freedom, relationship…and frankly some of the best copy I have ever seen.  This guy is truly an unknown master.  Do you know why the dollar is actually called a bill?Who cares what he looks like or how goofy he sounds.  He’s the real deal and knows more about wealth then he lets on….Stick with the program.  It gets better as you go along.  Here’s a copy from the sales page:”Do You Make These Mistakes With Money?”Dear Prosperity Seeker,I don’t mean to insult you by implying you don’t know how to handle money. But let’s face it, 97% of Americans are going to have to rely on a Social Security check to survive.  With the system facing bankruptcy you’ll be forced to live off your savings.  “What savings?” you ask.  Here we are – the richest country in the world with the lowest saving rate.”What’s going on in people’s heads?”       Well, at least you’ve got a “guaranteed” pension, haven’t you? And you’re quite happy you didn’t work for Worldcom, Enron, Adelphia and…?  And you just took Chrysler’s buy out offer, or was that Ford, or was that one of the airlines, or was it….?  I guess you’ll have to fill in the blank.  At least you didn’t own a little mom and pop shop when Wal-Mart came to your town.OK – so you’re getting a little upset and depressed about fragile or broken promises, about outsourced income opportunities, about price fixing and multi-national corporations stealing the American dream.”So, what are you going to do about it?”       Like I said, America is still the richest country in the world with the greatest opportunities to get rich.  Why do you think we have an immigration problem? You don’t see people clamoring to sneak into some third world Banana Republic, do you?  No, they want to be here in this land of incredible opportunity. So why aren’t you rich?”Because 97% of the population makes serious mistakes with money.”Wouldn’t you like to get into the heads of the top 3% and find out the secrets of how and why they never have to do anything they don’t like for money?  Now, I’m not talking about wealthy trust fund babies (hey, somebody had to inherit it!), nor am I talking about the giants of industry whose privilege and position cuts them huge benefits that people like you and me will never see. I’m talking about those rare few individuals who had to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps, and in the process, discovered the easy way to wealth!”The secret to creating an Opulent Reality is almost so simple that it’s embarrassing.”Prosperity and riches are the natural state of the universe.   The earth, as an example, has more trees, more flowers, more animals, more natural resources than we could ever use – as long as we don’t make the same mistakes with the environment as we do with money.”I was born poor…”…and personally know what it’s like to work very, very hard for very, very little.  Then I discovered it wasn’t that I was lazy, it wasn’t that I lacked the intelligence to learn new skills, it wasn’t that I couldn’t find suitable employment – it was that my mental brakes were locked!You might know the feeling.  You think you’re doing everything right, but you still don’t have any money.   Oh, you have opportunities alright – yet every time you get excited about your newfound prosperity, you make the same mistakes all over again.  It makes you feel like sticking your head out the window and shouting “I am not going to take it any longer!”  I don’t blame you; I’ve been there too.”Listen, anyone can scrimp and save for a lifetime and horde up a small fortune. That’s not getting a life, that’s giving up a life!”Then there are people who work 60 hours a week – Come on! Trading health for wealth is just another big mistake you can make for money.  Just like your car can go up in flames if you don’t release the brakes, you’ll burn up your life-force and die if you don’t first release your mental brakes.Almost all of us have been programmed by classical conditioning to resent the wealthy on a subconscious level.  Now tell me – how can you become financially independent if you secretly or unknowingly hold resentment?  This anti-opulence programming is so deceptive and insidious, most people never even know or suspect they have it….How can you tell if you have this disease?       1: By how hard you have to work for money.             2: By the subconscious resistance you create to receive it.       As I said earlier, the opulent reality is eager to shower great prosperity upon you.   But why is it so difficult to be a receiver?  Why do you make mistakes with money?  It’s all because the subconscious brakes have been locked.  Once you release them, you’ll be utterly amazed at how much financial horsepower you already have in your internal wealth machine.  You can just step on the gas and power poles will go by like a picket fence.  Do you want this kind of power?  “Then you want The Success Seeker’s Guide to the Opulent Reality.””At this point I must caution you:  If you feel you might be offended by my candor- DO NOT respond to this offer!”  While I do not use expletives, I boldly and clearly address the issue of mental sabotage in a way that less informed and more timid wealth teachers would be fearful of doing. When your entire financial future and possibly domestic relationships are in grave danger, you can’t afford sugarcoated words!”You need answers and you need them NOW!”As just one example:I’ve dissected all the subconscious mental poisons that compel and addict people to making the same mistakes with money time after time after time again.  Listen – I don’t care how many books you’ve read or seminars and courses you’ve attended – I guarantee you’ll never get the insights and instruction for creating an opulent reality that this unique and rare program offers you today anywhere else!”Does this letter make you uncomfortable?”  If so – it could be a huge red flag that your prosperity brakes are locked! I feel it is my moral obligation to help you see this clearly.    Your next step is simple – ACT NOW!  Or continue to make the same mistakes with money that 97% of the population does. Which of these two options makes more sense to you now?Listen; if you’re finally fed up with all the fluff about success and you want solid results now – Then You Must ACT NOW and take advantage of our limited offer!  “The Success Seeker’s Guide to the Opulent Reality”-This Powerful New Course Includes (See photo above):* 240+ Page Manual* 12 Audio CDs  Rich with Peter’s Insights and Encouragement* 4 DVD’s  Includes Live Footage of The Opulent Reality Symposium* 2 Visualization Card Decks  Learn to Visualize in 3 Dimensions* 1 Affirmation Card Deck  To Specifically Manifest Prosperity* 1 Prosperity Affirmation Light and Sound Audio CD  Also:BONUS #1  1 CD- Len Foley Interviewing Peter on the Opulent Reality. Also includes a free 20 page transcript booklet of the interview.BONUS #2  The 5 Realizations HOLOGRAPHIC PROJECTION DVDYou will learn…* How to get a grasp on the Six Essential Understandings to achieve prosperity* Why positive thinking, affirmations, and hard work alone won’t bring prosperity* Why the desire for wealth must be justified at a core level before it can manifest.* You’ll understand the top 21 subconscious saboteurs that block success.* How to get your subconscious mind to work like a wealth machine automatically all the time.* How to trick your mind into producing life-like mental images that manifest reality.*How to instantly increase your magnetism and manifest your fondest dreams* How to banish anxiety over decision making and protect your mental health* How to avoid failure* How to make the best use of your time* How to defeat depression forever* The real secret to successful goals* What you see is what you get – fifteen insights for vivid imaginations* Five holographic realizations for mastering reality* Is your life predetermined or predestined?* Developing Enhanced Success PerceptionAnd much more!!What People are saying about”The Success Seeker’s Guide to the Opulent Reality””This course is life-changing! It has changed every aspect of my life. Peter has brought to realization the unconscious conditioning I’ve had towards opulence. He has revealed the blocks and opened me to the flow of the universe, helping me get into alignment. I’m stunned! It’s like he’s working directly with me. I’m feeling totally different!–Diana T., Artist – Colorado”Once again, Peter’s words are like arrows aimed perfectly for the bullseye of Truth! You cannot listen to this and still hide from the hidden energies of poverty consciousness. Peter clearly and intrepidly states the keys to true wealth!”-Sherry F., Nurse Practitioner – Sevierville, TN”Peter has mastered every aspect of life, and in this amazing course he discloses unique scientific techniques for achieving an opulent reality here and now. This course is filled with heretofore unpublished wisdom and myth shattering realizations designed to eliminate the blockages necessary for creating immediate success. Many so-called teachers today proclaim to have the secret, but they only dance around concepts superficially. We are privileged that Peter possesses the enlightenment, knowledge, courage and love to cut straight to the bone of truth.”-Guy Du Bose, Attorney at Law – California”I now understand the details, and I will translate them into my visions until they manifest as my reality.  Thank you so much for the prime example. I happily streamed through the first 5 chapters voraciously consuming every vibration. Words fail me as I digest the substance of your thoughts. I look forward to communing with this manual and you again and again!”-Ruth G., MassachussetsPS – I have the ISOs of the DVDs.  If requested, I’ll upload them.PPS –  There are 3 decks of cards.  One has colored cards (one is white), the other shapes and that last set is wealth affirmations.  PPPS – The manual is a direct transcript of the CDs.  Also the bonus transcript is added into that one PDF file…basically everything is here.Enjoy!VIP – ImmediatelyPU –  ImmediatelyUsers – Never Ever, Ever.EDIT: I just discovered the CDs were mislabelled.  I will give the proper order as soon as I can figure it out.


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