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Nelson Montana – Bodybuilding Truth

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In The Bodybuilding Truth, you’ll read all about the following:An inside look at supplement companies. (Even the most jaded gym rat will be shocked at how badly you’ve been f**ked over.)The scoop on personal trainers and strength coaches. Think they know the best way for you to build muscle? (Hint: They don’t have a clue!)Traditional bodybuilding techniques that you’ve been led to believe work. (And why they’re dead wrong!)The single worst thing you can do if you want to build muscle. (And almost everyone does it!)The top bodybuilding gurus who are total frauds. (Whatever you do, don’t listen to them!)Why timing your nutrients is a complete waste of time. (And what you really need to do to make the most gains from what you eat!)A simple modification to your bicep training. (It will give you bigger guns than you ever thought possible. And it’s so simple!)The most effective calve routine you’ll ever find. (Add inches quickly, and it takes just FOUR MINUTES a week!)Been reading up on what supplements work and which are a waste? Don’t bother. (Most reviewers have ties to supplement companies. Here’s the honest lowdown from a guy with no industry ties.)Is safe steroid use possible? (You’ll be surprised at the answer.)Why using ephedra actually makes you fatter! (And a cheaper faster alternative for getting the perfect 6-pack.)A unique ab exercise that almost never appears in print. (No, it isn’t a variation of a sit-up or leg raise. It’s ten times more effective!)Want a great chest? (Forget about bench presses! Here’s why.)Plus much, much, more!!!In The Bodybuilding Truth, you’ll also get the following 19 in-depth articles designed to help you pack on dense, freaky muscle, while burning major amounts of fat — fast. Check this out…Article 1. A Different Abdominal Exercise for perfect abs…..REALLY!Oh NO, you say! Not another ab article. You must be kidding. That’s the stuff you find in those wimpy fitness mags, which have titles like “Trim Down and Tone Up By Summertime!” They’re everywhere — every month. You would think that nobody had ever heard of a sit up before. That’s what it comes down to, you know. Every ab exercise out there is just a variation of the sit up or leg raise. That’s the problem. And don’t get Montana started on those ridiculous “abercisers” that attempt to circumvent the neck strain by providing a head rest that winds up pulling your head into an even more unnatural position. The abs are no fun to work and the slowest muscle to grow.But, the abs are the “showpiece” of your body. You can be muscular beyond belief but if your abs are soft, to most people you’re just a big fat guy. But someone with an average physique and killin’ abs can look spectacular! The Bodybuilding Truth tells you the truth about how to train abs once and for all.Article 2. Chest In Time — Perfect Pecs In Just 20 Minutes a WeekFor most bodybuilders, the chest responds faster and more favorably than any other body part. In other words, they’re easy to “pump.” At any rate, if the chest is so easily developed, why is it that so few people have great looking chests? We’ve all seen the guys with the big bunchy chest or the chest that bulges or hangs. This is the result of improper chest training. The pecs run across the top of the rib cage and should be slab-like in appearance — wide, high and tight — this requires even development. Since the pecs develop quickly, it shouldn’t take more than one workout per week (approximately 20 minutes) to achieve perfect pecs. But training has to be done right. The Bodybuilding Truth explains how.Article 3. Cooked Calves — In Under 4 MinutesHow are your calves? Mine suck – and Montana’s aren’t so hot either. Actually, by normal people’s standards, Montana’s are pretty good. But by bodybuilding standards…well, let’s just say that Dorian Yates wouldn’t be intimidated by a toe-to-toe comparison. So what makes Montana qualified to write an article on calve training? Ironically, anyone with outstanding calve development is the last person to be giving advice on improving the lower leg. They’re the ones who have it easy. That’s because, more than any other muscle group, the size and shape of your calves is determined by heredity. People with a genetic disposition for shapely muscular calves need only to walk and their calves will look good. Bastards! For the rest of us mere mortals, it’s almost impossibly hard. After years of trial and error, Montana finally found the secret to adding precious muscle tissue onto those stubborn calves. The Bodybuilding Truth explains how.Article 4. Working Your Biceps To Their Fullest – The secret formula for loaded guns!Everyone knows the appeal of the bicep muscle and its importance to one’s overall appearance. Instead, let’s get right to the point: Biceps training is probably the simplest form of all bodybuilding exercise, yet thousands of bodybuilders fail to stimulate bicep growth with ample success. There’s a reason for that. There’s also a solution. If you never seem to get a good bicep pump and would like to rectify the situation, get this. The standard bicep curl doesn’t directly affect the bicep — at least that’s the case with most people. The Bodybuilding Truth explains how to pump the biceps so hard you’ll feel it all week.Article 5. Terrifying Traps — How To Build Traps So Big They’re ScaryLarge and powerful traps are an awesome sight. Huge hulking trapeziuses are a statement. They exude power. You don’t get hefty traps by playing sports. You get them by lifting weights! The Bodybuilding Truth contains an innovative trap routine, which is sure to pack on size and strength through the traps and upper back. And it explains all the ways to avoid the trap, traps that can hinder growth and strength gains.Article 6. Ten Steps To Killer Quads (Load The Rod and Thrash The Quad)It’s leg day. You either dig in and accept the fact that in order to obtain more thigh size, you’ll have to endure some pain, or you wimp out and “take it easy” – “work ’em light” — do a “little bit.” Any way you choose to rationalize the latter, it’ll still spell the same result. No growth. Okay, so it’s gonna hurt. But leg growth doesn’t occur through pain alone. Training smart is just as important as training hard and when it comes to working the legs effectively, you may be shortchanging yourself out of optimum results. This can be the result of following erroneous advice or simply not taking advantage of some little known yet highly efficient quad building strategies. In The Bodybuilding Truth, Montana reveals ten strategies guaranteed to produce maximal growth in minimal time.Article 7. Build Melon Sized Deltoids — While Hardly Moving a MuscleEverybody has a favorite body part that they love to show off. Short sleeves allow the world to see a muscular pair of arms. If someone’s got great legs, there’s a good chance you’ll see them wearing short pants, long after the weather starts turning cold. Good abs? Open up that shirt! But even fully clothed, nothing depicts the image of masculine muscularity more than a broad set of shoulders. Without that classic “V” shape that a well-built set of delts provide, the other body parts will fail to impress. It all starts at the shoulders. But, as imperative as the shoulders may be to a bodybuilder’s overall appearance, they are an often-misunderstood body part. Often neglected, and more often–over trained.By adding just a half an inch onto the lateral head of each deltoid, the “width” of the shoulders will appear to increase dramatically. Incidentally, wide shoulders will also make the waist appear slimmer, further enhancing the complete package. So how do we properly stimulate deltoid growth while simultaneously avoiding over training? In The Bodybuilding Truth, Montana shows you how.Article 8. Total Triceps Training — The Secret to Becoming “Well Armed”Nothing looks more impressive in its relaxed state than a meaty pair of triceps. When the arms are hanging loosely at the sides in a short-sleeved shirt, it’s the triceps, which dictate the overall appearance. Novice trainers work the biceps to death in an effort to increase arm size. It makes more sense to emphasize tricep training since they comprise the majority of the arm’s potential size. If the tris look good, your arms will look good. Montana’s routine for training the traps shows you how to hit all three heads of the triceps and help you build bigger arms faster than you ever thought possible.Article 9. Back In Action (If Ya Wanna Grow – Ya Gotta Row)Admit it. Your back training hasn’t been nearly as intense as it could be. How do I know that? Take a look around most any gym and you’ll see for yourself. With all the super-smooth machines and cable devices designed to train the back, it’s almost as if an entire generation of bodybuilders have dismissed the most effective back developer there is — the barbell row. But if you want thick, dense muscle throughout the back it’s imperative that you work the muscles as nature intended — as a group. In The Bodybuilding Truth, Montana explains how.Article 10. Don’t Believe It — 10 Bodybuilding Myths That Must Die!How do so many misnomers and half-truths make their way into the muscle-building foray? The main reason is a phenomenon known as “parroting.” Once a theory is accepted as credible, its influence spreads and soon authorities and laymen alike repeat it until it soon becomes standard thinking. Opposing viewpoints are ridiculed since they contradict what has become known as “correct” thinking. It’s the “flat earth” mentality. It sounds reasonable. Everybody agrees. But it’s wrong.In the case of bodybuilding myths, what is too often accepted as fact may not only be a worthless endeavor, but may actually inflict harm on the body you’re trying so ardently to develop. In The Bodybuilding Truth, Montana dispels 10 Myths that most of us are guilty of to some degree and gives you answers for replacing the bad practices with ones that really work and help you gain maximum muscle.Article 11. Seven Bodybuilding Don’tsIf you’ve been at the weightlifting game for a while, you may know what to do. But that’s only part of the process. It’s knowing what not to do that can often make all the difference on the road toward a better body. In The Bodybuilding Truth, Montana reveals the seven most grievous “don’ts” you can make during your workout. Think of them as the seven deadly sins of bodybuilding! Avoiding them will help create the ideal physique in the least amount of time. Learn them. And avoid them at all cost.Article 12. “Inside-Out” Training — Taking a new look at some old exercises.In The Bodybuilding Truth, Montana shares his inside-out training methodology. The principle is simply to approach an exercise from the opposite perspective. Most bodybuilders have used an apparatus for something other than its original intent. A few examples may be using a cambered bar for rows or employing the tricep rope for curls. Yet most of the machines available in most gyms are approached in a more conventional manner. Using the “inside-out” principle we can mutate the action involved with most machines to incorporate several functions even their designers hadn’t thought of!Montana shows you how by sometimes taking a different approach, you can “outwit” the constant adaptation process and find new methods of inducing growth.Article 13. The High Intensity MistakeThere’s an ongoing debate among bodybuilders as to which type of training protocol is superior. Most people believe that a significant quantity of training volume is necessary in order to stimulate muscle growth. Since this practice has proven itself thousands of times over, one would think its credence was indisputable. Nevertheless, there are others, equally qualified, who feel that it is momentary intensity alone that determines muscle growth. Only when a muscle is pushed beyond the stress in which it has never received will the impetus for more growth occur. But where and when does that occur? As a matter of fact, the term “high intensity” is perhaps the most misunderstood concept in bodybuilding. In The Bodybuilding Truth, Montana discusses high intensity training, also known as H.I.T. and Heavy Duty, and elaborates on its merits and shares with you the pitfalls you need to avoid.Article 14. The Food Fallacy – The Truth About NutritionGet ready for a shock…Your diet has almost nothing to do with the way you look.Yes, it’s true. Trying to alter your appearance through diet is the most misinterpreted and misguided procedure toward obtaining a better body. Obviously Montana’s not advocating that a meal plan of donuts and potato chips is just as good as any other. But you don’t really need another book to tell you to eat wholesome foods, do you?The simplest dismissal of the overestimation of food would be to look at men in prison who lift weights. Some of them are ripped! Yet, they eat slop. How can that be?Read this next line carefully:”A bulldog doesn’t get to look like a greyhound by eating like one.”In The Bodybuilding Truth, Montana dispels the bodybuilding diet myth that can keep you from making the gains you want.Article 15. Vegetarianism: Good People Making Bad ChoicesThere was a time when if a friend who was vegetarian was eating a plate of lettuce and carrots for lunch, Montana would exclaim, “That’s not food — that’s what food eats.” But he’s a much more sensitive person these days. Now he just enjoys his chicken and steak and politely smiles. After years of studying and debating the merits of vegetarianism, Montana explains how the supposed benefits of Vegetarianism don’t hold water.Article 16. The Truth about Anabolic Steroids — Some Rules To Follow When You Decide To Break The RulesOpinions on steroid use tend to fall into two distinct categories. You have those who are vehemently opposed to them, — then you have the advocates, the underground bodybuilders who do everything to build muscle and steroids are at the top of the list. Neutrality within this controversial topic is rare. More rare is the willingness to see both sides of the picture. Steroids, used irresponsibly, can cause a host of complications. However, many “anti-roid” assessments stem from a lack of credible information and far too many people draw conclusions on those who wish to partake based solely on prejudice and ignorance. These are the people who always know a guy, who knew a guy, who had a friend who knew a guy whose brother worked with somebody who had a neighbor who knew a guy who took steroids and his head exploded. In The Bodybuilding Truth, Montana tackles the issue of anabolic steroids and shows you how to make an informed decision and get the best results either way.Article 17. CLASSIC BODYBUILDING — Old Time Tricks For New-Found MuscleIn this section, Montana explains a group of exercise techniques, you’re not likely to see performed in most gyms today, yet, at one time, they were a staple of most bodybuilder’s routines. They also work remarkably well. You may wonder why they’ve been discarded — until you try them. They’re damn hard! The modern bodybuilder has become so accustomed to silky smooth machines that any movement that doesn’t glide along a controlled curve may seem strange and uncomfortable. That’s exactly why you should do them! Give these movements a go and the following day you’ll find yourself sore and pumped in spots you never knew existed!Article 18. The (Abridged) Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding GreatsIt would be impossible to mention everyone who has contributed to the state of modern bodybuilding, but there are certain individuals and their muscle building ideas that need to be acknowledged. In an effort to broaden the understanding of our lineage, Montana presents a montage of some of bodybuilding’s forefathers — those who were the first, and those who were the finest. You may not be familiar with some of the names, but they’ve all been influential in the sport of bodybuilding, as we now know it.Article 19. Wisdom of the AgesWe’re constantly bombarded with new ideas and innovations making it easy to overlook the lessons from years ago. We view our elders as less knowledgeable — less “in touch.” Nevertheless, it’s important not to forget that the bodybuilders from long ago were the ones who taught the teachers of today and you can never be sure if everything they knew made it down through the generations. There’s always a chance that something’s been forgotten or prematurely discarded. By taking a closer look at the perceptions of some of the games old timers, one comes to realize that they not only knew as much as today’s so called experts, they had some pretty controversial yet highly effective theories as well.Montana takes a look at some of these quotable quotes from the sages of strength who were living and loving bodybuilding long before most of us were born. You’ll see just how well, good advice holds up over the years. A “best of” compilation of favorite articles revealing the methods that turned mortals into marvels before the days of anabolic steroids.


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