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Scott Bolan – Ninja Power Secrets

Ninja Power Secrets
[2 ebook – pdf, 1 CD – wma, 1 DVD – VOB]



Want to DESTROY THE COMPETITION with ease?Want to WIN YOUR BATTLESand Survive and THRIVE in Any Situation? NINJA SECRETSFOR THE MODERN MAN!All-NEW Course Shows You “HOW” to Master Your Mind, Body & Spiritand Dominate Life Like a Champ!”Life Becomes The Way YOU Want It When You DISCOVER these Secret Skills!Money, Women, Power, Peace-of-Mind and lasting Success can Now Be YOURS!”             Dear Friend,     The times they-are-a-changing, aren’t they?     If you’re even the slightest bit aware of what’s going on in the world, things don’t look very good socially, politically, and economically right now, do they?Frankly, the gap between those who survive and those who don’t is about to widen. Big-time.     I don’t know about you, but I want to be one of those who not only survive, but also THRIVE. And I found just the guy who actually shows you how, step-by-step, to kick ass, take names, and get everything you want out of life!     Listen, I don’t care what you think you know about NLP, Hypnosis, Change Work, Mind Skills, Energy Work, Emotional Freedom, Mind Control or whatever-you-want-to-call-it. What it all comes down to is the same thing:Methods that Bring RESULTS     If you’re frustrated with the way things have been going; if you want to be Empowered and have an Edge in life that no one else has, and the dynamic results that go with it, you need to know this.               You’ve probably heard about Scott Bolan in the magazines and talk shows, or in his bestselling courses like Mental Warfare Secrets, Martial Mastery, Secrets of Time Distortion, and Dynamic Attraction. He’s in big demand, and rightfully so.     You see, Scott Bolan has done it all in the martial arts and mental training fields – CQC, Ju Jitsu & Jeet Kune Do Instructor, multiple Black Belts and Certified Law Enforcement Trainer; Ninja, Mind Control, Hypnosis, NLP, Remote Viewing, and more.     Scott Bolan has dedicated his life to the study of physical, mental and spiritual mastery arts. He heads up a worldwide organization and has had unparalleled success! But get this -The Night My Life Changed Forever     After a grueling night of sparring under Scott’s expert instruction, he decided to take the “fight club” out for pizza.                          We sat down, and Scott looked me in the eye and asked me a question that changed my life forever.              He said, “Tom, what do YOU want from life?” I was amazed, because all of my life I was TOLD what to want. No one ever asked me what I really wanted!     I thought about if for a minute, then I told him what I really wanted from life. Then Scott showed me exactly how to get it, step-by-step, with MIND-BLOWING strategies and tactics that were instantly workable.     Within a few weeks I was kicking ass in life and winning on every level, with an amazing peace of mind and level of personal power I’d never had before!This Stuff Works!     Think about it right now: How many of us will ever REALLY be physically attacked? The truth is, most of us will go through our entire lives never being attacked physically But every day we are constantly attacked psychically and mentally.     The news, the internet, our friends, social engineering, politicians, manipulators, people-users, family and co-workers, and on and on, bombards us 24/7 with mental and energy attack! Maybe you’ve trained hard to get a Black Belt or a Certification, but life itself is kicking our ass!What Good is a Black Belt?     Or any other Certificate for that matter? Unfortunately, 99% of people totally miss out on how their training actually applies to REAL LIFE SURVIVAL!     Listen up, friend. The TRUE Warrior is the warrior who wins in ALL of life, not just on the mat or in a street fight.  This is what the Ninja were truly all about: WINNING!      I’m not talking about the black-pajamas Hollywood-movie ninja, I’m talking about the real ninja.                          LOOK AT THE REAL WORLD!     Even a huge building in your town is dying, it’s crumbling. It’s the nature of things. Things wither away over time. However, a small group of people known as the “Ninja” decided they would NOT wither away! They decided to survive and thrive. That’s why they are still such a popular figure in our culture today, though they are now highly misunderstood.     You see, the word Nin-ja means “enduring person.” If you want to endure, if you want to overcome the odds and master life itself, this is for you.     The True Skill of a Ninja is Winning, and in this all-NEW Course that no one has anywhere else Master Scott Bolan Shows You How to Win!      Winning was the “how and why” of the Ninja skills development, born in the crucible of necessity for OPTIMUM survival.For example, a “REAL NINJA…”• Blends in (you won’t see him, he may look like anybody, if he doesn’t want    you to remember him you most likely won’t)• Stands out when he wants for a “tactical” purpose (to capture the    attraction of the girl of his dreams, to get higher pay, to make that awesome    business connection, or stand out above the competition)• Knows how to Fight and WIN with passive, medium, or LETHAL FORCE    according to the threat he is faced with.• Knows how to survive and THRIVE in almost any condition or   circumstance.• Is prepared in Mind, Body and Spirit FOR WINNING, and so he DOES win!• Knows how to HEAL himself and help others in a time of need• Uses the LEAST EFFORT and gets the MOST GAIN• Uses the forces and powers of nature – including human nature – to achieve    his objective• Knows THE SECRETS FOR WINNING      … Soul-mates found. Fortunes made. Problems Solved. Goals Achieved. Inner Game Mastered, Outer World Conquered! Finally Empowered! …     These are the kinds of results this information is designed for.You’ll Love This!This all-new course will be the most valuable training course in your knowledge arsenal, and I really do mean that. In it you’ll learn:• How To Persuade and Influence anyone AT WILL without    compromising honor• The 4 Foundations of Spiritual Mastery (you must know these to win on the    battle ground of the soul!) • How To Weaken Your Opponent With a Single Glance • How To Tell if Someone is Lying • How to Get Rid of Fear instantly• 3 Master Keys for Unstoppable Confidence!• The 7 Most Brutal and Effective Fighting Secrets Known to Man –    how    to stop a bigger, stronger attacker!• Ninja Body Language and Verbal Skills – Slaughter the Competition!   Mesmerize almost anyone! • How To Create a Shield of Self-Protection• The Kuji-In 9 Hand Seals: Your Personal Achievement SanctuaryAnd so much more, it would take 20 pages to outline it all here!     Look, 99% of the population is comfortable in cynical ignorance and mediocrity. But for those of you who simply must win at life – who need to know “how” – this is for you!


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