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The Secrets of Sexual Kung Fu ATTRACT AUTOMATICALLY

SX Kung FU course
[24 eBooks – 24 PDFs, 3 CDs – 24 MP3s]



How to Make Anyone Hypnotically Drawn to You Using The Secrets of Sexual Kung Fu Right now you have the ability to influence the feelings of anyone you choose.  Using the secrets of sexual magnetism you can influence someone to have a very strong desire for you.  Imagine not only being able to choose anyone you want but also being able to strongly influence that person’s feelings towards you.Imagine being able to lure someone you really admire without fear of what you look like, your age, or how much money you have.  You flow with the full confidence that you can easily draw that person in, moving them to a place where they not only trust you but have a hypnotic desire for you.We all function from certain psychological states.  When those states are triggered within us we become open, excited and loving being.  So, when you understand what these states are and the techniques to induce those states in others then you can very easily influence others into the right state of mind that you want. Sexual Magnetism CourseSexual Magnetism is a Powerful Hypnotic StateWhich Draws Others to YouSexual magnetism is one such powerful state.  When a person has strong sexual magnetism they can easily create a state within others who come in contact with them.  Their magnetic presence can make you feel deeply attracted to them.  You may even find yourself hypnotically seduced by their presence without intense effort on their part. Strong sexual magnetism gives you an edge.  It supersedes looks, money and all the things that are commonly used as a way to capture others.  Perhaps you have been in the company of someone who had a strong, seductive, magnetic aura.  You could not explain why you were so deeply affected by them.  Maybe they weren’t ever good looking but you just had to have them.  You could easily fall deeply in love with them even after knowing them for only a very short time. Some people are this way naturally they get others to fall for them all the time.  They know how to use their magnetic charm to win others over.  But, the vast majority of people aren’t very magnetic. Most don’t have that super star quality that gets lots of people passionately wanting them. Those people with strong magnetism are rare and few. The majority can’t seem to excite intense feelings within others.  They may get others to be attracted to them, they may get others to want to be with them sexually but getting others to have that all empowering, intoxicated feeling for them is not so easy.  Perhaps you can relate depending on…Where You Are Now:    * Maybe you have left a bad relationship that has destroyed your self esteem.  Whether you know it or not that energy lingers in and around you pushing others far away from you.  After a bad and destructive relationship most people never regain their shine.  People may tend to run away from you instead of sticking around.    * Perhaps you are crippled by what you think of your looks.  You may feel that your looks are no longer working for you but you don’t know how to get that edge that builds desire in others.  So you remain lonely not realizing that having strong magnetism is far more superior than what you look like.    *      Could you be over whelmed with fear by your competition?  Is there someone you want but fear that there are others who have a greater edge over you?    * Are you ready to get into a serious relationship soon and want to gain as many tools as you can to get a powerful edge like never before?    *      Do you have someone in particular whose attention you want to capture by leaving an intense impression on them?    * Could it be that you simply want to experience being strongly admired by lots of people? Maybe you aren’t ready for that special person but you want to be the one that everyone desires.No matter what situation you are presently in or what situations you are coming out of you can learn the secrets of how to be intensely magnetic to those you want to attract.  Those whom you want to attract will be mesmerized by you without even knowing why. What You Will Learn    * How to use Internal Kung Fu to become a Sexual Magnetic God or Goddess.    * The Secret to Creating a Magnetic Aura so strong that it can be felt by anyone who comes in contact with you.    * How to easily change anyone’s feelings towards you.    * How to take your sexual energy to an intense level using 3 powerful herbs.    * Get anyone you want to have a strong attraction towards you.    * Learn how to easily alter anyone’s feelings and have them feel that you are the only person for them.    * How to use psychic sex to trigger an explosion of sexual feelings in someone even if that person has previously ignored you.    * Easily dominate your competition.  One technique that will help you outshine your competition even if you think they are more attractive.    * Use the secret of Sextelepathy to communicate in a special way to alter a person’s thoughts and feelings towards you.    * One technique will show you how to become the one that everyone desires.    * How to use the power of sexual magnetism to bring back excitement and desire in your relationship.    * Increase your success with online dating.  Discover a technique that will influence anyone to think of you, desire you and become deeply drawn towards you even if you have only met them online.    * Easily put anyone at ease so they feel deep comfort with you, as if they have known you forever.What You Don’t Know About Your Looks, Magnetism and Why People Fall for One person and Not AnotherWe have all been programmed to believe that only certain types of people, the really good looking type are the ones who get all the dates.  You may have been led to believe that in order to have a great romance you had to be stunning.  This could not be further from the truth. We have all seen very good looking people who can’t get anyone to be really interested in them; or just as bad, how many good looking people do you know who have had their partners lose attraction for them.  Maybe you have seen, experienced or heard of someone who left a very good looking partner only to fall madly in love with someone who was a lot less good looking. But somehow that other “less attractive” person seemed to posses an incredible magnetic aura which makes them twice more attractive.The real compelling factor in this case is that one person possesses more magnetism than the other.    * Someone who possesses strong magnetism has an almost hypnotic effect on others.    * They can instinctively bring others into a state of comfort and strong desire.    * Their magnetic aura pulls others towards them.    * People are drawn first to their strong sexual magnetic aura over looks.    * Others are more willing to give them what they want.With the Sexual Fu course you learn the power of your sexual energy and the real effect that it has on others. You will also learn the real science of magnetism so you can always be in control of your magnetic presence in all situations.What You GetSexual Magnetism    Audio 1: Introduction    What is sexual Fu about and how it can enhance your life.    Audio 2: Internal Kung Fu    How to use the power of internal Kung Fu to do miraculous things which you could not ordinarily do otherwise and how to use it to develop your magnetic field.    Audio 3: The Science of Magnetism    Learn the secret of magnetism and how it not only affect you but how it influences others who come near you.    Audio 4: The Nervous System and the Human Aura    Your entire body is one powerful system working as a strong force. Learn the real secrets of how your entire body works as a power house to do incredible things.    Audio 5: Sexual Energy    Sexual energy is a powerful force within you but few people know the secrets of sexual energy. Discover the hidden gift of sexual energy and how to use your sexual energy to tantalize others.    Audio 6: Sextelepathy    Learn how easily dominate a person’s thoughts and perceptions of you. Get them to think of you in the way you want.    Audio 7: Looks Vs. Magnetism    There is something far more powerful than what you look like and that is magnetic attraction. Anyone can use the power of magnetic currents to be more radiant and beautiful.    Audio 8: How to Create Fast Rapport    Learn how to get others to feel comfortable with you. Make anyone feel as if they have known you for a long time. Make friends easily, make other at ease.    Audio 9: Create an Addictive High in Anyone    Discover the secrets to making anyone feel deeply in love with you. Learn how to develop that strong emotional sweetness that makes others feel deep emotional bonds with you.    Audio 10: The 2 Glass Principle    We can push others away with our energy. Someone who wanted you today may feel disgusted with you tomorrow. Learn what a person’s energy is telling you about your own energy.    Audio 11: Create Raw Sexual Fire    Learn a step by step technique for using your sexual energy to create a powerful attractive & Hypnotic magnetic field that will make others desire you.    Audio 12: Psychic Sex    How to use the secrets of Psychic Sex to ignite passion in an old, stale relationship. Also learn how to use psychic sex to get the attention of someone who seemed hard to get.    Companion Book:    Learn even more techniques such as how to increase your sexual energy. Learn a little technique on how to dominate your competition and steal the spot light. Also learn a step by step technique on how to use magnetism with online dating. You will also learn the precise steps you need to take if you want to attract your ideal partner.You are receiving a bonus that is as powerful and equally valuable as the main courseYou Cannot Live a Successful LIfe Without Learning How to Effectively Persuade OthersThose Who Know How to Persuade Always Have the Upper Hand.They Easily Get What They Want Without Struggle.Whether in business or in love your ability to persuade others is a precious skill. Everyday and in numerous ways you are trying to persuade others to like you, to take an action that you want or you may try to persuade others over to your way of thinking.From experience you can see that getting others to do what you want can be very hard. In fact sometimes in trying to persuade others we can cause more misunderstanding than anything good.However once you understand how easily others can be persuaded using the right persuasion techniques your ability to influence becomes quite easy.Discover why you can never persuade someone by forcing them, directly insisting, criticizing them or tricking them into action.None of these actions work, as a matter of fact it would cause the other to take the very action that you don’t want. There are ways of getting anyone to say yes and even be excited about doing what you want. Imagine being able to easily influence anyone    * Persuade someone to take action on a matter that benefits you without you ever having to ask them directly.    * Use persuasion techniques with your partner instead of complaining or begging them to do what you want.    * Learn how to easily find anyone’s action button so you can always have the upper hand.    * How to use a Psychic influence technique for deeper persuasion.    * Discover how to persuade even the most difficult person to your belief. Learn how to easily have them let go of their rigid beliefs and agree to yours in the most covert way.    * You can even use persuasion techniques to make others really like you allot.    * Also, learn the persuasion techniques that are used everyday to influence what you buy and how you feel about particular things. You can see the incredible life changing teachings you are about to learn. Lessons you will take with you in your love life, business and all relationships you encounter from this point forward. To add even more value to an already incredible package. I will also add two other bonuses.


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