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Nick Vujicic – No Arms, No Legs, No Worries

No Arms, No Legs, No Worries
[1 DVD – 9 mp4]


This has been added to the Robert Scheinfeld GB @ … as a different approach to what he teaches. Check out the organizer of the mentioned Robert Scheinfeld group buy contacted me and asked if I could order and upload a product for the rest of the participants (I think you could only order from America or some such).  I said “sure” and then found myself a little disappointed when he told me what it was.  I was expecting something cool and esoteric and some new method of dissolving limitations or something like that.  Instead, I see some dude, limbless and smiling up at the camera like he’s going to try to motivate me with platitudes — and my honest first moment reaction was a thought that sounded something like “pfff.”Then I watched the youtube video (linked above), and my reaction immediately changed.  The guy’s funny, and his story and the way he lives it out is anything but sad.  Nick’s story and his talks work because he’s a very likable and normal (in a positive sense) type of guy.  He is down to earth, much more so than myself, and really someone that I and I imagine most people in general would appreciate being friends with.So yeah, I put this in the psychology category (body language, maybe a bit of a joke), but I think that it would work just as well as an alpha-male example clip type of study if you’d like, and as an example of really well-done public speaking.This package features three main talks, one toward teens, another to schoolchildren, and another to their parents.  All of the talks can work for anyone.  I’m not a parent or a teen or, you know, a school child, and I don’t think it matters.  This is fantastic viewing if you’re ever one to beat up on yourself and/or are seeking over-all self-improvement.Of course, maybe not everyone will feel the same as myself.  See the video on youtube and I guess you’ll know if it’s for you or not.  For me, this does more to change my perspective than a handful of self-esteem subliminals and what-have-you.This is a great addition to elib and I’m glad that it’s been introduced here.Now, with that said — keep this shit exclusive!  This is a nice extra gift for the members of the Scheinfeld group buy, and to elib members in general.  Please do not douche that up.Elite/VIP: 2 weeksPower Users (PU): 7 weeksUsers: never (get your account up to PU to gain access to exclusive material: upload 25 GB or donate and be a member for 4 weeks)


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