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Love Systems – The Ultimate Guide to Text and Phone Game

[6 Mp3s, 4 PDFs]



TPclick Exclusive!Sharing among other trackers is Strictly Prohibited and may result in the rotting off of one’s own genitalia.Taken from you want to get more phone numbers and more dates with more attractive women, and set your dates up in advance so that she’s dying to be with you, then you need to learn the “new rules” of phone and text game.This book is a clear 10 out of 10. My game has already improved more than I could have imagined – in both quantity AND quality.Jerome C, beta testerPicking up young, beautiful women is changing. Phones, texting, and social media are much bigger parts of women’s dating lives than they were five years ago. Attention spans are shorter. If you’re not relevant to her – day to day, not just on “date night” – someone else will be.That’s why we’re giving you the top secret techniques that the world’s top pickup artists have been using and refining for the past two years. Now you can use them too. Here’s what you’ll be able to do after just the first few pages:    * Get a woman’s phone number almost EVERY TIME using the “magic words” that make flaking nearly impossible even if she’s drinking. (pg. 14-15)    * Avoid the one fatal error that 60% of guys make after getting her phone number that kills their chances right then and there. (pg. 12-13)    * Know whether to use phone or text (pg. 29-31) and how long to wait to get in touch (pg. 31-5) for every situation.    * Use “callback humor” to make sure your first phone call has her dying to see you again… but only if you set it up properly when you first met her. (pg. 21-24)    * Text her while you’re still talking to her so that your conversation continues ‘naturally’ even after you leave — and leads to a same night encounter or a date. Choose from among dozens of scripted messages to send. (pg. 15-18)    *  Building attraction, qualification, and comfort through text. (pg. 40-46, pg. 110-120)    * How to use “push/pull” (pg. 43-44), “role playing” (pg. 97-98), and Demonstrations of Higher Value (DHVs) to show you’re different from ‘random guys’ she gives her number to – with dozens of actual scripts and conversations. (pg. 103-109)    * 5 all-too-common comfort-building mistakes revealed from studying thousands of text conversations.    * Tests to tell how much work you have to do with a woman before she’ll meet up with you again on your terms.    * The magic “mass text” phrase that will get women to meet you without even trying. (pg. 86)    * The RIGHT and WRONG days and times to call or text (pg. 94) – this can easily be the difference between success and failure…    * How to get her to make the first move. (pg. 95-96)    * Responding to “bad behavior” (not answering or returning calls, etc.).    * Voicemail messages to leave that are guaranteed to get her to call you back. (pg. 99-100)    * When to “sexualize” phone or text calls, and when NOT to. (pg. 123-128)    * scripts to sexualize every conversation – both low-risk “baiting” and progressively increasing until sex is virtually guaranteed on your next date.    * And lots, lots more.And something else very, very powerful:    * How to use Phone and Text Game so that all of the “work” on your date is done – she will meet up with you already in the mood to “party.” And Yes, this does include the bonus material.


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