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Bedros Keuilian’s System 9 – 7 Figure Formula

[5 eBooks – PDF, 3 MP3s, 3 Videos – MP4s]


This is currently listed on the group buy page, but seems as I have it, I may as well upload it here for you now.Below is taken directly from the group buy forum… seril”Who Else Wants These Nine TESTED and In-The-Trenches PROVEN Fitness Client Getting Blueprints Of a Multiple Six Figure Earning Fitness Trainer?From: Bedros KeuilianDate: Saturday Jan 16, 2010Chino Hills, CADear Fellow Success Minded Fitness Professional,Wouldn’t you like an easy, proven, and low cost system for getting more personal training or boot camp clients?If so, I’d like to give you nine of my best tactics that have helped me, and hundreds of my clients take their personal training and boot camp businesses to massive success.What’s My Sneaky Reason For Practically Giving Away These Killer Client Attraction Tactics…?It’s simple really… I want to WIN your trust…because I know that once you use these proven fitness marketing and client getting systems that I give you to get more clients, make more money, and position yourself the top fitness expert in YOUR area you’ll keep coming back to me for all of your fitness business needs.And the fastest and easiest way I know to get YOU to TRUST ME is to give you my most powerful client getting systems that work for dirt cheap. And once you try them and see how easily they’ll get you new clients… you’ll come back to me for all your fitness business needs.It’s a win/win proposition… wouldn’t you agree?But Before You Read Another Word Of This Letter I Want You To See What Other Fitness Professionals Who Have Tried My Client Getting Systems Have To Say…Ryan Saplan”I just want to thank you Bedros for the phenomenal advice and help you have given me. I am 100% confident that my dreams of becoming a SIX-FIGURE INCOME FITNESS PROFESSIONAL will become a reality thanks to the plan found in your PT business course. I encourage ALL fitness professionals to not only invest in your Business Course, but to put EVERY tip to use. I guarantee you will not be disappointed!”Listen to how Andrews closed $40,000 in PT sales in under two hourseZs3Andrew StearnsNASM/ACE Certified Personal Trainer & Fitness ChefHOW THIS WHOLE THING CAME TO BE…Before Making Multiple Six Figures From My personal Training Business I Was A Struggling “Drone”Trainer Working a Dead End Job In One Of Those Mega Health Clubs.Back in 1998 I was a struggling trainer working at one of those MEGA health clubs in Fountain Valley, California.I worked for the “man.” I was struggling because I was only making $12 dollars an hour with no hope for a raise. The health club kept all of the session price and just paid me hourly.True StoryAfter a year of that I got fed up and quit.I felt I had the entrepreneurial drive so I started my own personal training business. At first I started doing “in home training” but I started getting burned out quickly because all the driving from client to client was really taking a lot of my time….Time I wasn’t getting paid for.Then I started renting space at a smaller local gym. That was cool, I got to keep all the money I changed for the sessions. But I could keep my schedule full if my life depended on it.Those two years were even a bigger struggle than the year I worked at the mega club because my income had lost it’s predictability.I couldn’t even get enough clients to support myself. I had no systemized way to market my personal training business.I got clients by accident – randomly. And what’s worse I was WAY under charging (in an attempt to try and undercut my competitors).Every marketing method I tried fail. And that was one of the most frustrating things of all. PLUS it cost me a lot of wasted money (which I didn’t have much of in the first place).Before long I found myself working as a bouncer at a local nightclub… Thursday through Sunday nights were work as a bouncer night. AND I was doing personal trainer during the day just to make ends meet.That really sucked because I hated bouncing and the whole nightclub scene.All I ever really wanted to have a full client schedule. Charge what I felt I was worth. And have a few reliable marketing systems to get clients when I wanted.But instead I was a part time nightclub bouncer…Then in 2001, through some dumb luck and desperation I stumbled upon a referral generation tactics that got me nine new clients within six days.And the best part is it was really easy selling these 9 clients on my biggest programs because they came to me referred from two local businesses that they already trusted.That’s when something clicked and everything changed for me.It was like I had an Ah – HA moment!At that moment I realized there are better, more predictable, and more low cost ways to market my personal training business then the money I had been spending on dead end print ads, postcards, flyers, and business cards.Within the next six months I had created over 27 different client getting systems, strategies and tactics that produced new clients for me – some better than others.Then over the next two years I tracked, tested, and tweaked each marketing system until my business grew to five fitness centers throughout north county San Diego, CA with a total 43 full and part time personal trainers working for me, and gross annual revenues reaching almost one million dollars.Life is so much better when you have a predictable marketing system that gets you all the clients you need and want…And Now I Want To Give YOU NINE Of My Best Client Attraction and Lead Generation Systems To Use In Your Personal Training or Boot Camp Business… I call these: “System 9”  System 9Nine of my best, most effective and proven fitness marketing tactics… here they are.System 1The Client Referral GeneratorYour clients are the BEST place to find your future clients. However most fitness trainers fail to put an internal referral generation system in place. Now you can just swipe my system…- In this module I teach you the system I use to precondition ALL of my clients to WANT to refer their friends, family and co-workers to me. Plus you’ll see actual referral generation emails and letters that I used and that YOU can copy for your fitness business.System 2Local Lead MultiplierThis is the system I used to get nine clients in six days from two local businesses. I later tweaked this system and used it with local Chiropractors, Health food stores, Day Spas, Massage Therapists, Hair Solons, and Tanning Solons to get tons of Ready-To-Buy leads.- In this module I teach you how to partner with local businesses to get maximum referrals. And I teach you my script that I used to get these businesses to partner with me every time.System 3The Human Billboard SystemSystem 9 WorkshopThis client getting system was created by my good friend and business partner Steve Hochman, and it’s probably the most POWERFUL way I know to get QUALIFED leads for FREE.- In this module I teach you two version of the Human Billboard client getting system. Version one is the original version that Steve created and you’ll get the entire script and psychological factors why this works so well.- Version two is the email version that was crafted to generate hot leads just by sending out an email to your list. In fact this very system got one of my private coaching clients 20 new clients with just ONE email.System 4The Media MagnetGetting your press release published in the local paper is PRICELESS. The media can give you instant credibility and position you as the top local trainer. But getting the local paper to write about you is about a easy as out running a panther… UNLESS you use my Media Magnet tactic.- In this module I teach you EXACTLY what the media is looking for in a press release. Why 99% of most press releases NEVER make it. And Two sneaky (but simple) strategies to use to practically guarantee that your press release get published.System 5The “three word” Magic BulletThe name of this system may sound a little ridicules and over the top. But once you use it and understand how it works you’ll call it the “Magic Bullet” too.- In this module I teach you the three words that will INSTANTLY make your marketing better. You’re paid for marketing will perform better. You’ll close more sales then ever before and your website will easily double the number of leads it converts. Just three little words… that’s why I call it the “Magic Bullet.”System 6System 9 WorkshopThe Seminar TsunamiSmall seminars and workshops are an amazing source of new clients… IF DONE RIGHT.- In this module I teach you how to structure your mini seminars and workshops to get maximum turn out and qualified leads. You’ll also learn how to get local businesses, church groups, women’s groups, rotary clubs and hospitals to invite you to speak as the authority on fitness and fat loss.System 7The Grocery Store Client CatcherEvery personal trainer I know does grocery store tours all wrong. Here’s the problem that most trainers face when trying to do a grocery store tour the ‘traditional’ way…- First, grocery store has no desire to participate because there’s nothing in it for them. (with my system I teach you how to get the grocery store to practically beg you to do your tour there)- Second, most fitness trainer have a hard time getting people to show up to these tours. At best they may get two or three people to show.) with my system I teach you how to get 12-20 people to commit and show up to YOUR grocery store tours.Plus I teach you my method for getting the grocery store to register people for you. Like I said, you’ve never seen a client attraction system work like this. And when you do it like I show you, you’ll have people begging you to sign up for your personal training or boot camp program.System 8Craig’s List Lead SuctionFULL DISCLOSURE This client getting system works KILLER… B-U-T you may get kicked off of Craig’s list after a while because it does require that you break their limit (rule) of only posting once a day.- In this module you’ll learn how to suck leads from Craig’s list for free. I’ll show you the “ads” that work, the sections to advertise in, and the number of times a day to post your ads. If you want your phone to ring off the hook with new personal training clients then use this system EXACTLY like I teach it.System 9Push Button Fitness Marketing SystemSystem 9 WorkshopThe most low cost, effective, and predicable marketing system I know is email and newsletter marketing. The reason email marketing works so well is because it comes discussed as “educational and informational content” but when done right it get your clients to refer you more leads, and gets prospects to convert into paying clients.- In this module I teach and give you actual examples of email marketing copy that converts prospects and past clients into paying clients. Like I said, email marketing is THE most effective marketing strategy for getting new personal training and boot camp clients because its not received as “marketing”… it’s received as information and education.  And when you write you emails and online newsletter the way I teach you, you’ll start getting a ton of calls and emails from “ready to buy” leads.Here’s what you’re going to learn through these nine proven fitness marketing blueprint tactics…   * How to create a fitness newsletter that will pull in new business night and day   * How to get “ready-to-buy” subscribers to a fitness email newsletter   * How to come up with content for your fitness newsletter   * How to have a super successful personal training or bootcamp business in less than 90 days using nothing but free marketing tactics.   * Three little known and never-talked-about “sneaky” marketing tactics that can blow up your business practically overnight   * The number one FREE WAY to market your training business   * How to guarantee a steady income every month – no matter the economy   * How to put your clients on automatic billing   * How the get “ready to pay” clients from the top five internet traffic sources   * How to get new clients from the internet WITHOUT lifting a finger   * And so much more!7 Figure FormulaThe Seven Figure FormulaThis video is from my sold out Fitness Business Summit live event. In this presentation I reveal the formula for taking your fitness business to 7 figures and beyond.After coaching several fitness professionals to 7 figures (and doing it myself) I’ve figured out the “three prong approach” to the formula and in this video I give you the blueprint to replicate the system yourself.Direct Mail Marketing MachineDirect Mail Marketing MachineIn this video I show you how one of my coaching clients generated $123,000 in personal training sales within 6 weeks from ONE SINGLE direct mail letter. The secret to direct mail success is getting the right message to the right market.Apply this direct mail strategy to your marketing arsenal and you’ll start generating tons of hot leads for your personal training business.Advanced Fitness Marketing ManuscriptAdvanced Fitness Marketing ManuscriptThis manuscript is loaded with the most up to date, “whats working now” fitness marketing tactics, strategies, and systems once only available to my top paying coaching clients.These pages are are loaded with so many killer client getting ideas that you’ll never run out of ways to attract clients into your personal training or boot camp business.Take System 9 with you anywhere you go. As a special bonus, and to make sure that you have the most cutting edge client attraction system on hand no matter where you are I’m giving you the entire System 9 program on easy to listen to MP3s.Now you watch the video anytime you want, AND listen to the program on your iPod, in your car, or while you work out. Getting more personal training and boot camp clients has never been easier.7 Figure FormulaSUPER BONUS GIFTThe Medical Referral ManualFriend, I’m in a position to do something for you that no other person can… I’m going to give you the blueprints to create your own financially secure, competition proof personal training business – just like I did for myself and for thousands of other fitness professionals.System 9Stop wasting your valuable time and effort trying out dead end advertising ideas that fail to produce results. Order System 9 Now, before you lose another client.Committed to your success,Bedros Keuilian877.205.3448P.S. Remember this is a proven system duplicated time and time again with amazing results. I’ve done all the work for you and I’m giving you nine of my best strategies to take your business to the top. Don’t wait, because this program WILL double in price very soon and you’ll miss out. Order System 9 now >>


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